PMA Policies

I. PMA Policies

Students are responsible for following the JROTC Cadet Code of Conduct as well as the School District Code of Conduct. Violations of the JROTC Cadet Code of Conduct may lead to disenrollment.

  • School Hours

School hours are from 7:30 AM to 2:34 PM,   Monday – Friday (See School Calendar for exceptions)

Students are marked late after 7:30 a.m.

Doors open at 7:00 a.m. Please review the Arrival Procedures BELOW

*PLEASE NOTE: Free breakfast is served every morning in the cafeteria from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. After breakfast, students must proceed directly to their lockers, then to their 1st period class. Brigade inspections will also occur weekly.

  • Arrival Procedures

1.        All students are required to enter the building via 13th St entrance. Students must present and swipe their identification cards each morning

2. Students are required to scan in before 7:30 a.m. Therefore, it is important to arrive before 7:30 a.m. to avoid being marked late. Lateness to school will not be tolerated. In addition to missing critical course work, any pattern of lateness could result in attendance at Truancy Court.

3.   There is a $1.00 fee for not having an ID card per day. The cadet must sign in using the “NO ID
Form” and the attendance person will manually enter the cadet’s name into the Scholar Chip

4.  Any student who does not scan in or manually sign in is considered to be in the building illegally. The student could face arrest for trespassing (It will be assumed that if you are not marked present then you used an illegal entrance or avoided the metal detectors). In addition to being marked absent, the student’s parent or guardian will be contacted.

5.   Students arriving after 7:30 AM are late to school and will receive morning detention. Failure to attend the detention will lead to further disciplinary action.


  • Food & Drinks

NO Glass bottles are permitted in school. Students may only bring plastic water bottles.

NO eating and drinking anywhere but in the cafeteria.

  • ID Cards

IDs are part of the cadet uniform and must be carried at all times.

ID cards are issued to new students.

Students who lose their ID card must purchase a replacement from the main office for a fee of $10.00. New photos are not taken for replacement cards. Once a new card is issued, the old card becomes invalid if found. Students may also purchase a lanyard and/or a hard plastic case for $1.00 each.

If there is any erroneous information on your ID card, please bring proper identification (birth certificate, SS card, etc…) to the school secretary in the main office.

  • Lockers

Every student is issued a locker in which to deposit outer clothing, books and personal items. The School District has the right to inspect lockers at any time to protect the health, safety and welfare of the school community. Students should not share the combination or the locker with anyone.

  • 9th grade lockers and classes are located on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floor of the annex building.
  • 10th grade lockers and classes are located on the 2nd Floor of the main building.
  • 11th and 12th grade lockers and classes are located on the 3rd Floor of the main building.

There is no reason for any student to visit a classroom on a floor except for their assigned floor.

  • Departure

At dismissal time (2:34 p.m.) cadets should exit the building as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should students loiter or roam the PMA (main building or annex) after school hours. Please be mindful and display the courteous attitude of a PMA student. Do not loiter or walk on residents’ property, including their grass, walkways, or steps. Do not litter or use profanity on the way home. Also remember to wear the complete uniform (including tucked shirt) until you arrive at home. Appearance and behavior during your travel to and from school is a reflection of the Philadelphia Military Academy and yourself.

NOTE: Students should never leave the building at any time during the school day, including their lunch period.

  • Administration of Medication

The school district provides specific regulations for administration of medication to students. Any time a staff member observes that a student has medication in his/her possession, whether prescription or non-prescription, the student is to be referred with the medication to the school nurse or the counselor.

For your information, the school nurse will administer medication to students if the medication is properly labeled for that student and dosage indications require that the drug be administrated during the school day. The nurse will discuss school district requirements in detail with parents/guardians. It is most important that we monitor our students closely so that medications are administered under the control of appropriate personnel.

Health Services Hours
The medical suite is located on the 1st floor between room 104 and 105. The current health room hours are 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The nurse will always see students in the event of an emergency.   Students must have a note from their teacher/instructor to enter the health room. No staff member is permitted to distribute medications under any circumstances. In the event the nurse is absent, an administrator will assume the responsibility of the nurse.

  • Fire Drill Process

The cooperation of the entire school community is required for the smooth, orderly, and quick evacuation of the building during fire and emergency evacuation drills. On these occasions it is the responsibility of each student to exit the building as quickly, efficiently, and quietly as possible. You should remain with your class and reorganize in the parking lot or as directed by your teacher/instructor. No one should remain in the building for any reason during any drill.

  •  Use of Lavatory Policy

Students will only be permitted to use the bathroom before school, during their lunch period, and after school. Bathroom passes will only be given after the first 15 minutes and before the last 10 minutes of each period. If the student has an extenuating circumstance or pre-existing medical condition he/she should bring a note from his/her parent or guardian and present to the Principal.

•       No more than one student should be excused at a time for this privilege.

•       Students must use the lavatory on the same floor as their classroom.

•       Students are not permitted to use the bathroom the period after their lunch period.

II. Student Code of Conduct

The PMA Student Code of Conduct is based on honor, respect and self-discipline. We also expect students to adhere to the School District of Philadelphia’s Code of Conduct. Profanity will not be tolerated in the building at any time. Repeated school violations may result in the student being transferred to their neighborhood school. Students who fight will be dis-enrolled from the Philadelphia Military Academy.

NOTE: Students who commit acts of vandalism including graffiti or destruction of school property risk possible disenrollment from the JROTC program.

  •  Prohibited Items

PMA’s Discipline Policy strictly prohibits the following items:

•       Hats / Headwear

•       Metal Picks / Combs

•       IPOD, CD Players, and MP3 Players (Returned in June)

•       Video Game Systems

•       Other electronic devices

•       Weapons of any kind

•       Glass Bottle or Soda Cans

•       Cell Phones* (Please see below)

PMA is not responsible for any lost, misplaced or stolen electronics of any kind.

  • Cell Phones

School district policy prohibits the use and possession of cell phones within schools. PMA strictly adheres to this policy.

All cell phones will be collected upon entrance to the school and will be distributed at dismissal. If a student is found with a cell phone, the phone will be confiscated and must be retrieved by a parent or guardian in the main office.

  • Services of School Police Officer

The School district of Philadelphia is responsible for students while they attend the city’s public schools. Accordingly, maintaining student safety, as well as providing adequate protection for security of school staff, and facilities are primary goals of the School Police Officers.

School Police Officers help keep disturbing factors in schools to a minimum. During school hours, School Police Officers are available to assure student and staff safety, initiate and complete routine investigations, and report criminal offenses and other serious incidents.

The School Police Officers also monitor the security system composed of metal detectors, scanners and ID swipe machines. Every student who enters the Philadelphia Military Academy must pass through each security machine.

  •  SEPTA Transpasses

Free Transpasses will be issued to all eligible students. Transpass distribution will happen during advisory.

Only eligible students will receive a Transpass.   It is the student’s responsibility to care for their Transpass. The Transpass cannot be replaced if it is lost, stolen or misplaced. Any student who is absent will receive the Transpass on Mondays.

Transpasses will not be given out on any other day, no exceptions.

  • Telephone Use by Students

Students are to use the telephone for emergency purposes only. Students may use the telephone located in the offices of the Counselor, JROTC Instructors and main office with permission.

  •  Lost and Found

Lost items may be claimed after school in the Main Office.

III. Uniform Policy

Uniform Wear, Grooming, and Appearance:

  • Cadets are required to arrive at school fully dressed in uniform designated for that day. Cadets are not permitted to change into any part of the uniform at school.
  • Cadets are required to wear their uniforms properly all day. Cadets may not change out of any part of their uniform at any time without permission from the Principal, Commandant, or their Army Instructors.
  • All uniforms will be worn in a clean, properly fitted, and repaired manner.
  • There are only two types of shoes permitted: Bates with the Class A and Class B uniforms and sneakers with the casual and physical training (PT) uniforms. Slides, slippers, boots, and other footwear besides the bates and sneakers are never permitted!
  • Only black socks may be worn with the Class A and Class B uniforms; only white socks may be worn with the casual and physical training uniforms.
  • A plain white rounded-neck T-shirt is required with the casual and PT uniforms as well as with the Class B uniform when it is worn without a necktie or neck tab.
  • Only PMA/JROTC outer garments are authorized for wear within the school. These items include: the JROTC windbreaker, the PMA windbreaker, the black cardigan, the PMA ¼ zip pullover, and any PMA hoodie. Only the Class A jacket, JROTC windbreaker, and the black cardigan may be worn with Class A and Class B uniforms.
  • Inclement weather/cold weather outer garments may be worn while traveling to school, but must be removed prior to entering PMA and must be placed in the cadet’s locker until the end of the school day.
  • Hair:
  • Male hair must be neatly groomed and be in compliance with Army JROTC regulations. The bulk of the hair must not interfere with the wearing of the JROTC beret or other headgear. Braids, cornrows, or locks, or any extreme hairstyle are not authorized. Sideburns must be trimmed to the lower opening of the ear. Males will keep their faces clean-shaven daily. Mustaches are authorized as long as they are neat, trimmed, and tidy.
  • Female hair must be neatly groomed with no excessive bulk and does not present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance, and must be in compliance with Army JROTC regulations. Braids or cornrows are permitted for females as long as they fit snugly to the head. Female cadets may wear a ponytail, one or two braids that do not extend below their shoulder blades, or a bun at the back of their head. Hair colors may only be natural human colors. Colors including, but not limited to, purple, magenta, blue, orange, green, pink, bright-red, or neon are not permitted. The bulk of the hair must not interfere with the wearing of the JROTC beret or other headgear.
  • Jewelry is not permitted with the exception of one low-profile ring. Earrings can be worn by FEMALES ONLY and must be diamond, pearl, gold, or silver studs only no larger than ¼” in diameter worn on the lower portion of the earlobe. No other visible body piercings are permitted. If a religious necklace is worn, it must be inside the shirt.
  • Cadets violating the above uniform policy will receive a same day after-school detention and parents will be notified. Failure to attend detention and/or continued violation of the uniform policy will result in more stringent disciplinary action.

Uniform Maintenance and Accountability:

  • Cadets and parents/guardians assume responsibility for the military uniforms and equipment issued to the cadet and will reimburse PMA the full government price if the uniform is not returned in serviceable condition upon demand.
  • Cadets and parents/guardians must ensure that the uniform is clean, pressed, and kept in good condition. Cadets and parents/guardians must also make no unauthorized alterations and notify the Academy Commandant or Supply Sergeant of any uniform loss or damage.

IV. Computer/Technology Rules

The teacher is responsible for the condition of the computer cart, as well as, the monitoring of ALL student activity while using laptops

Nothing, except approved materials for a lesson, should be plugged into the computers. For
example, absolutely no Ipods, cameras, cell phones, etc.

Report ANY problems to the TTL IMMEDIATELY.

Students should be made aware of the School District of Philadelphia’s Acceptable Use Policy
before using the lab.   You’ll find a copy of this at the following web address:^english.html


ACT 26, which is a state law, states that if a student is found with any weapon in his/her possession in school, on the way to or from school, including public transportation, the student must be recommended for expulsion. ACT 26 defines the term “weapon to include, but not limited to, any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nanchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle, and other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury.” This provision applies to any student in possession of a weapon whether or not the student used the weapon or intended to use the weapon.

Please also note that federal and state laws, as well as School District of Philadelphia (SDP) regulations, prohibit any weapons on School District property. Any violators of this regulation will be subject to arrest. In addition, any SDP employee who violates this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action, which could impact negatively on said employee’s tenure with the SDP.

  • Policy 102

The policy of the School District is to foster knowledge about and respect for those of all races, ethnic groups, social classes, genders, religions, disabilities, sexual orientations (perceived or known) and gender identities (perceived or known).

  • Bullying/Cyber bullying/ Harassment Policy

Each student shall be responsible to respect the rights of others and ensure an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and free from bullying

A student who violates this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action consistent with the Code of Student Conduct.


  • Student Attendance

Regular attendance and punctuality are extremely important for academic progress. All staff members are expected to encourage students to attend school each day and to actively participate in their learning. Attendance is recorded in two ways. Each procedure is required and students and staff are accountable for accurately reporting attendance. The first way is through the Scholar Chip System. As students enter the building, they must swipe in using their ID cards. The second procedure is during morning Formation where advisors record attendance in roll books (legal documentation of attendance).

All absences shall be treated as unlawful/unexcused until the district receives a written excuse explaining the reason(s) for the absence, to be submitted within three (3) calendar days of the absence. Failure to provide a written excuse within three (3) days will result in the absence being counted permanently as unlawful/unexcused.

All absences of three (3) or more consecutive school days shall be supported by a physician’s statement verifying the illness.

All absences of nine (9) or more cumulative school days shall be supported by a  physician’s statement verifying the illness

All students must report to their assigned advisory/1st period class. If a student does not report in
person, he or she will be marked absent.

Students on suspension are not permitted to enter the building unless reinstated by an
administrator. If a student on suspension enters the building, he or she is considered a trespasser
and must be immediately reported to the Principal. Students are not permitted to eat food or drink any beverages during advisory.

  • Visitors/Loitering

Parents and guardians are welcome to visit PMA. Whenever possible, arrangements should be made in advance to visit the school. Please call the main office to schedule your appointments. Students from other schools are not permitted in the building unless on a recruitment visit. All visitors must sign in at the main office upon arrival to the building. (This includes former students who can only visit at the end of the school day unless prearranged and verified with a staff member.)

  • Requests for Early Dismissals

Early dismissal requests cannot be made by telephone. Early dismissal requests should be made in cases of emergency only. Routine medical and dental appointments should be made after school hours, if possible.

Students leaving the building must be accompanied by their parent or guardian of record. The parent or guardian must present proper identification and must sign the Early Dismissal Log. PHOTO ID IS REQUIRED WHEN PICKING UP A STUDENT.

Students are to report to the school nurse for medical emergencies (illness and accidents). The nurse may find it necessary to issue an early dismissal.

VII. Absent, Cut, and Lateness Policy

Cutting class deprives a student of needed instruction. A student that cuts a class will receive consequences for their actions i.e. overnight suspension, detentions, parent notification, reduction in rank and position, non-participation in sports and after school activities for a semester. If it is verified that a student has cut three times, the student will not be eligible for the JROTC program and maybe sent back to their neighborhood school.

Students with ANY combination of (2) or more absences, cuts, and/or lateness’s (except with an official note, e.g. doctor, court) during a marking period will be EXCLUDED from ANY special activities for the duration of that marking period.

Students who are absent and/or late (2)  or more times in a month will be given a Saturday detention from 9-12. Failure to attend this detention will result in disenrollment from the academy.

Any student with 10 or more accumulated absences, cuts, and/or lateness will be excluded from all special activities including the end-of-year special trips. Any student with 8 or more unexcused absences will be referred to truancy court. In compliance with the JROTC policy, students with 10 or more combined absences, cuts, and or lateness will not be invited back to the program at the end of the school year. Therefore, the student will be transferred to their neighborhood school.

*Note: Students who are SUSPENDED during a marking period will be EXCLUDED from ALL activities during that marking period. Any student who is late to school after 7:40 am will receive morning detention. (See Arrival Procedures) Failure to attend the detention will lead to further disciplinary action.

*Seniors ONLY: Any combination of 10 days ABSENT and/or LATE (except with an official note) will EXCLUDE him or her from ALL Senior Class Activities and graduation ceremony. All seniors must attend school on the day of the prom and the day after prom. Early dismissals for prom will only be issued after 12:00 noon to students who have an authorized parent/guardian with proper photo ID to sign the student out.