Philadelphia Military Academy received a Picasso Project Grant in 2018 to complete five large mosaic panels to fill boarded window frames in the school. This endeavor would not have been possible without outside arts funding. The support that came in monetary funds enabled my students to have quite a priceless experience, as evidenced by their reflections:
“I had been very hesitant at first but then became very happy being part of something more than myself, that I helped out a group of people that were making something to bring the school together. I think that the school will become more positive because the projects give some personality and make the school seem our own.”
-Mark Mendez, Class of 2020
“I hope that there are more opportunities like this in the future because it feels good to know that you contributed to and participated in something that benefits your school and community”
-Mariame Dore, Class of 2021
“All of these projects mean a lot to me because they have a piece of everyone in it. Working together made a really big impact because working as a team brought us together to make something really creative.”
-Tysheed Hatchell, Class of 2021
“I loved working on the mosaics because we all worked together: no drama, no fighting, everyone knew what they had to do. It was very calming when I had bad mornings. I would always ask if I can go work on the mosaics and I felt better after.”
-Alliyah Ortiz, Class of 2020